We had this last night and the flavor was very good, (I love blue cheese!) but the dish is a little heavy. Next time I would definetely serve it with a simple side salad of lettuce and tomato, just to lighten the meal.
There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such trouble times
And every child that reaches out
For someone to hold
For one moment
They become my own
And how can I pretend that I don't know
What's going on?
When every second
And every minute
Another soul is gone
And I believe that in my life
I will see
An end to hopelessness
Or giving up
Or suffering
Then we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
And stand up for life
Stand up
And here me sing
Stand up
For love
Im inspired
And hope
For each and everyday
That's how I know that things are going to change
So how can I pretend that I don't know
What's going on?
When every second
And every minute
Another soul is gone
And I believe that in my life
I will see
An end to hopelessness
Or giving up
Or suffering
If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
And stand up for life
Stand up
For love
And it all starts right here
And it starts right now
One person stand up man!
And the rest will follow
From the forgotten
And From the Unloved
Im gonna sing this song,
And I believe
That in my life
I will see
An end to hopelessness
Or giving up
Or suffering
If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
And stand up
for life
stand up
and sing
Stand up
For love
Down in a green and shady bed,
A modest violet grew;
Its stalk was bent, it hung its head
As if to hide from view.
And yet it was a lovely flower,
Its colour bright and fair;
It might have graced a rosy bower,
Instead of hiding there.
Yet thus it was content to bloom,
In modest tints arrayed;
And there diffused a sweet perfume,
Within the silent shade.
Then let me to the valley go
This pretty flower to see;
That I may also learn to grow
In sweet humility.
It's pretty crazy how one brush of make up, can change the way people see you
How a curl in your hair, could make someone think you have the perfect life
How a smile could make others imagine that everything is OK.......
But what about when the makeup is washed away? ? ?
When the curls in your hair die down? ? ?
When that smile turns into a frown? ?
What about the real you, that you've tried so hard for no one to see
The broken hearted girl that was hiding underneath? ?
Was she really that bad of a person to cover up
Just because some dreams didn't get too far
Success you didn't achieve, a lie that you believed
We are all humans and we are all gonna make mistakes
We are gonna go through problems, and sometimes our hearts are gonna break
So let others know when your hurting or when things are going wrong
Don’t be afraid to unveil yourself, it’s OK that your not so strong
People rather you be for real, and show them who you really are underneath
I hope you learned a lesson here, cause that girl used to be me! !
But she has moved on from this and has a better life
Make up isn't necessary, and curls are gonna die
But this smile its for real I hope that doesn’t change
I let go of the mask, and showed everyone who I really was inside
So here I am, an innocent girl and I no who I am! ! ! ! !